2025 Senior Information

Early Graduation Requirements for Peach County High School
It is possible, in certain instances, for high school students to earn sufficient credits to allow them to graduate before the end of the expected four-year (eighth term) time frame. Students who desire to graduate at the end of their eleventh-grade year, or in the middle of their twelfth-grade year, must meet the following requirements:
● Satisfy all the course requirements for a Peach County Schools Diploma as outlined in the year the student entered high school with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher.
● Maintain an overall attendance rate of 90% or better over their high school career.
The student and their parent(s) must sign a letter of intent by the first week of the school year applying for approval to graduate early. If principal approval is granted and the student opts to graduate early, the following will be forfeited:
● Participation in Senior Week activities
● Funding for college credit earned through dual enrollment